

Oceanlovers Children Education Program

At Oceanlovers we’re all about celebrating one of our most beautiful resources – the ocean. We’re so excited to share the Oceanlovers education program with you and your families. Children are our future and it’s our responsibility to help them understand the importance of taking care of our planet.

The purpose of the Oceanlovers education program is to help parents, pre-schools and kindergardens to give our children the tools and knowledge to grow into conscious humans.


Go through the Oceanlovers program with your kids at home. Why not invite along a few friends?



Run the Oceanlovers Education Program in your kindergarden or preschool. You are welcome to share the resources with your teachers too.

Apply Now →

We’ll provide you with all of the course content and materials.

Please download all the resources and lesson plans here:

Oceanlovers education program in South Africa and Fiji

Connecting With the Ocean at Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori School in Coffee Bay, South Africa The Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori School was one of the first schools to participate in the Oceanlovers Education Program, choosing ocean awareness as a theme for a whole term.

Teachers and children discussed many things related to the ocean and asked why the ocean is so important.

The students loved learning about how much space the ocean occupies on our planet and exploring the different ocean zones and its inhabitants.

Colouring in the Oceanlovers worksheets, the group talked about the effect of litter on the ocean, plants and animals and what litter means in our everyday environment.

The children also enjoyed looking at shells and learning where they come from and sorted them into bi-valves and omni-valves. One of the highlights for the children was making jelly fish from paper and plastic bags found on the beach.

At the end of the term the students and teachers completed the program with a new awareness and respect for the ocean. The school will continue to implement the things they learned every day.

About the program

The course is structured into five easy to implement ocean lessons to build an understanding of the ocean and the importance of sustainability.
It also includes fun and easy craft exercises for kids to get engaged.

It also includes fun and easy craft exercises for kids to get engaged.

You will also receive printable worksheets to support the teaching.

How to apply

If you would like to bring this program to your kindergarten or pre-school, please fill in the form below and we will be delighted to get in touch!

We’d love to see how the children in your pre-school enjoyed the program! Please make sure to share any photos with us to help you celebrate your impact!
Email: salty@oceanlovers.com.